Land ahoy! The Yachtsmen in the Palisades Parade.
We’ve had a busy two weeks with daily swim team practices, meets on Wednesday nights, parent volunteer jobs, dinner parties, potlucks, Fourth of July celebrations and basic life, hence no Corks & Cake posts for 17 days. Unacceptable, I say!
I set a personal goal when we launched this blog to post at least 3 times/week (which is almost nothing in blog-land). It is mind-blowing to me that all these talented, talented women and men in the blogosphere post original content with highly styled photographs sometimes 3 times/day, 7 days a week.
Seriously, how are they not chained to their computers with their cameras in one hand and a whisk in another?
My hat is off to them, even through my slacker chagrin.
So, my dear Corks & Cakers, I promise to catch up. And just so you don’t think me too much of a slacker, here’s a roundup of what we’ve been cooking and serving in the kitchen on Lee Street.
We had a very fun, very tasty dinner party outside for 29 guests (including children.) Whew. Did I just say dinner for 29? Yes! Relay Foods (an online farm stand and specialty food delivery business based in Charlottesville, VA) teamed with House Party and selected several hosts and hostesses in the mid-Atlantic region to host a party featuring local products available through Relay Foods. I ordered local cheeses, salami, sausages, produce, relishes, and rounded it out with ice cream, vegetarian side dishes and all-beef hot dogs for the kids.

Lovely local cheeses and black truffle salami. Photo courtesy of Peter Krogh Photography.

Photo courtesy of Peter Krogh Photography.
It was a great undertaking (deserving of an upcoming post all its own) made more complex by the off-and-on rainy weather. The only way to pull something like that off is to have lots of good friends who know you well, have dined with you often, and who will jump in where needed and come early to help with all the last-minute prep. Thank you to all!
On July 4th, my first ‘Vintage Kitchen’ column for OKRA magazine (the online magazine for the Southern Food & Beverage Institute) was published! Read it here.
Titled “Drink Like the Revolutionaries: Vintage Punch for the Fourth of July” it was much fun to research old recipes and more fun to drink the research!
After the July 4th parade (which my husband’s band, The Yachtsmen, were in), we reveled poolside for a live rock and roll set in the hot, hot sun.
In the pool: The Yachtsmen. On the grill: jerk chicken.
We also took it easy this week by relying on some of our favorite prepared foods: Costco’s lime-marinated flank steak (ready-to-grill) and Edwards’ Key Lime Pie.
We hope you had a great Fourth of July weekend too!
Your dinner sounds wonderful! I didn’t know Costco sold marinated flank steak. I am going to look for it next time. Terrific photos!
Try it! It’s easy and good on the grill. Perfect for ‘cook’s’ night off!