Cookies and milk, anyone?
Photo credit: Allison Beuker Photography
Today is Oreos 102nd birthday!
Now before you get all food-preachy on me, I know they are commercial cookies and have all kinds of processed *stuff* in them, but my house likes Oreos and I buy them as a treat.
Plus, they are great with milk! Milk is healthy!
Some fun facts about America’s favorite cookie:
- Nabisco came up with the cookie on March 6, 1912, the same year the South Pole was discovered and the Titanic sank.
- The first Oreo cookie looked very similar to the Oreo cookie of today, with only a slight difference in the design on the chocolate disks.
- It would become the largest selling cookie of all time.
- The origin of the name Oreo is unknown, but there are many theories, including derivations from the French word ‘Or’, meaning gold (as early packaging was gold), or the Greek word ‘Oreo’, meaning beautiful, nice or well done.
- In January 2006, Nabisco replaced the trans fat in the Oreo cookie with non-hydrogenated vegetable oil.
Source: Foodimentary
So go get some Oreos and some organic milk and have a cookie that a happy kid first enjoyed 102 years ago.
Or say Happy Birthday, Oreo by making someone you love this delicious Oreo Cookie Ice Cream Cake.
P.S. No one compensated me for this post and all thoughts and opinions about Oreo cookies are my own. We just like Oreos!

Photo credit: Allison Beuker Photography